Why it all started.

I grew up hiking, but it has been in the last 3 years that I really started getting "serious" about it. It all started because I was viewing all of these hikes that people had done, and I was like I need to go there, and there, and there and there, oh and there. So I made a list with my best friend; (because at the time I was in college and tired of sitting all day in class and doing homework.) So we decided that we would start hiking on our days off. We have done a lot of hikes in the last 3 years; (29 to be exact) and since I have 3 kids we try and do kid friendly hikes, but at the same time we have done not so easy ones (Lake 22) because I know that my kids can do it and it is good for them. I want them outside and they need it. I have also found that my hiking list is being added to faster than I am checking them off. There are so many cool hikes, climbs and places to go and see in Washington I would love to do them all! Here is the list of ...