
Showing posts from January, 2018

Big Gulch #42

Sabbath after church we decided to hike Big Gulch . It is an easy 2.6 mile out and back hike with 311 feet elevation gain. We chose another close, short trail because we were celebrating Miss A's birthday later that evening. Big Gulch was really easy to find,  has a play area, a wetland, and a really nice bathroom with a sink and toilets! No outhouse! (I hate outhouses.)                                                         The trailhead starts after the playground where this big arbor is. You don't go very far before you have to head down these stairs. Which are very nice and don't kill your knees unlike some stairs on trails.        ...

Japanese Gulch #41

This New Year I decided to join the 52Hike Challenge. Too be honest it sounded a bit overwhelming, because I literally only have Sabbaths to do any hiking, since I have to work every Sunday. But I thought what a good way to make sure we are outside and hiking. Plus it would be great for my blog! The first hike L and I did was around the Arlington Airport Trail. It is pretty much flat the entire 6 miles. But I don't feel like writing about that one, so I am writing this post about Japanese Gulch. Japanese Gulch  was once a housing area for the local Japanese emigrant workers that worked for the Crown Lumber Company in the 1900's, but today it has a dog park, hiking and mountain biking trails. This is thanks to a group called  Japanese Gulch  that decided they wanted to preserve the area instead of having it developed in 2014. After church and potluck I decided that I had to go hiking, it wasn't raining, wasn't too cold, and who cares i...