
Showing posts from February, 2018

Sugarloaf Mountain #45

I took Friday off because it was my birthday. I mean who wants to work on their birthday? I asked L if she wanted to go hiking with me, because B was working and the kids were in school. And I don't like hiking by myself.  L and I decided that we would hike Sugarloaf Mountain  for hike number 6. I wanted to add on Mount Erie, but, once again something came up and I was on a time constraint. Oh well; such is life. I do recommend purchasing a set of maps from the Lake Erie Grocery, there are numerous trails and some of the old signs are posted which might cause some confusion. The parking lot is medium sized and there isn't a bathroom of any kind. When we arrived there were only a few cars in the parking lot, and the weather was a little chilly with no rain. No rain didn't mean that there wouldn't be any puddles and mud though. I didn't mind, hiking in mud is always fun.  The trail almost immediately comes to an intersection; we stayed on the trail to...

Padilla Bay #44

January and February are very busy months for us. Between birthdays and other events the day is very packed, leaving little time for a long hike; so once again we did a short hike. After church we went to Breazeale Padilla Bay Center and the beach, we had intentions to do the Padilla Bay Trail  which is 4.4 miles round trip, wide and very flat. But once again time restraints enabled us from doing the trail. Hence going to Breazeala, which is a good thing because once we walked through the doors the man behind the desk informed us that a falcon was going to be released out of one of the conference rooms. We immediately headed to the conference room, only to find out that the falcon had already been released and they where going to release a barred owl. We were able to watch them measure the leg for the correct sizing of tracking band, measure tail and wing length, and weight of the owl. The leader then asked who wanted to help release the owl. H's hand immediately we...