Alger Alp #64
The weather for Sabbath (Saturday) was supposed to be really nice, I had been craving going on a hike and wanted to see some fall colors, I also wanted an easier hike since my shin splints seemed to be gone finally from our PCT trip. I talked to L to see if she wanted to come along. She said yes of course. We decided to go after church and somewhere close by. We chose Alger Alp North Route, the south route is all old logging roads, which sounds really boring to me. Alger Alp trail head starts at the Squires Lake trail head. You can read the post for Squires Lake here. (One of my favorite hikes!) FYI the parking lot is very small, so it fills up pretty fast. The kids weren't excited about going, but I drug them along anyways, the dog however was very excited to go. She doesn't like being left behind if you are going somewhere. After a short somewhat steep climb we arrived at Squires Lake. The kids did enjoy the bridge and looking at the ...