Heart Lake Hike #67
We had made plans to go snowshoeing on New Year day, but plans had to be canceled due to various reasons. I was very disappointed to have to cancel, except that is how life goes at times isn't it? We were then going to try and go on Saturday but that didn't' work either. So we planed for Sunday. On Sunday morning Miss A, Cookie the dog and I left later then I had planned on because I had not slept well due to a huge thunder and lighting storm that happened at 3 a.m. I forgot that I had to get gas before picking L up. When we arrived to pick L up we still had not decided on where we were going to go hiking at. While driving Miss A informed us that she wanted to go to Beaver Lake again. (I don't have a post for Beaver Lake because we did that hike before I started the blog.) I stated that I wanted to do a hike that we had not done before, so L pulled out her maps and begun looking at them. Miss A was still adamant that we go to Beaver Lake so L handed the maps to Miss A...