Cherry Creek Falls #58
After my daughter's visit to the dentist, we met my mother in law at the Duvall Safeway and headed to Cherry Creek Falls. I saw on a post somewhere a while ago that it was an easy hike and that the falls were really nice to see and quit enjoyable to play in. I recommend car pooling because the parking is along the shoulder of the road. Which they have broadened the shoulder because the gravel is new and the asphalt on the road is new. A parking pass of any kind is not required. There is no bathroom and there isn't any drinking water. So bring lots of water if you go when it is really hot. This is the trail head. The trail is on private property so please keep your dog on a leash and pick up any garbage or mess that you make so people are still able to use the trail. Not very long after beginning the hike you come upon this old abandoned car. The trail is pretty wide and clear, so there aren't really any tripping hazards. On this trail the...