
Showing posts from June, 2019

Johnson Ridge & Scorpion Mountain. Hike #73

L and I had been talking about doing a longer hike that was more strenuous then previous ones for a while. I knew that the kids would do it but I really didn't want to bring them along because I didn't want them to complain towards the end. And to be honest I wanted to hike without them.  On Sunday I was kid and husband free so L and I headed off to the Johnson Ridge trail.  We left early because we both read that the parking lot is small and we wanted to beat the crowds since it was Sunday, and I am very slow proceeding up any sort of an incline. (I do make up for how slow I am by how fast I can go down.) To get to the trail take US 2 east or west, turn onto Beckler River Road (FR 65). Follow the road until the pavement ends at a 3 way junction. Turn right onto FR 6520. (This is on the far right, almost behind your shoulder when you are in a vehicle.) Continue on until you come to a junction and make a left. There is a sign that says Johnson. Follow this all the way ...