Barlow Point Hike #78
On Saturday L and I took the kids to Barlow Point off of the Mountain Loop highway after church for a short hike. We decided that we would attend the whole service at church since we read that Barlow Point was only 2.4 miles round trip with 800 feet elevation gain. After church we came back to my house, ate, packed our backpacks with snacks and water, loaded into the car and headed out praying that the rain would hold off. L drove and I feel asleep on the way so the drive there was really short.
When we arrived we parked on the road because we thought the parking lot would be full due to a very popular hike called Monte Cristo which is across from the parking lot, there were cars already parked on the road, plus it was the Saturday of Labor Day weekend.
There are 2 pit toilets and there is no water source in the parking lot or anywhere on the hike, so bring lots of water if you require more then one bottle of water.
We stopped at the kiosk to read the information and history about the hike.
Here is a picture of the parking lot, as you can see it is rather large.
This is a bit blurry but this is the beginning of the trail
Another kiosk to read and our fearless leader.
A very lovely scene.
This section of trail is very narrow.
This was steep and very narrow. I had Miss A hold my hand as she came down. During this section we thought that if the trail was going to be like this the entire way we might be awhile and even turn around. But we didn't and I am glad that we continued on.
H found 2 garter snakes sunning themselves.
The trail as you can see is very well marked by signs.
We started up the switchbacks.
There were numerous switchbacks but they are rather long and gradual, not right on top of each other like some hikes.
H became the leader at some point along the way.
The bark on this tree was wrapped like curling ribbon all the way around the entire tree.
Hi Mom.
I am tired.
Looking for huckleberries. This part of the trail was very beautiful.
We had to stop and eat the huckleberries and wild blueberries. The kids even tried eating the salal berries. They didn't like the taste of the salal berries.
One of the mountains that you can see from the huckleberry patch.
We then walked down this rocky area to get to the flat section so we could we see the view and sit down to eat some snacks.
A dark scene,from the clouds moving in.
DO NOT EAT these berries from this Mountain Ash, they are poisonous.
My hiking buddies and I. So glad that we did this hike! ( Especially after the disappointing hike of the Sunday before.) The kids and I loved the view and all of the huckleberries and wild blueberries that we could eat. This hike was very enjoyable and barely a soul was seen the entire time. On the way back down at the junction we took the Old Government Trail. From all appearances it is not used very often, it is very flat, a little overgrown and has an information sign that I recommend reading.
Until next time!
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