Fortson Ponds and Whitehorse Trail #40

Life has been so crazy lately that I have barley had time to think...well it feels that way. With it getting dark at around 4 pm and working there has not been anytime to get out and hike. So needless to say when I found out that I didn't have to work, the kids were on Christmas break and L had the day off, we planned a hike! We decided on Fortson Ponds and Whitehorse Trail because L's dad gave me a book about hikes to do in Snohomish County a few Sabbath's ago when we were over for lunch. After going through the book we decided to do Fortson Ponds and the Whitehorse Trail. It is flat and an easy 2 miles, plus my boys could ride their bikes. (They have been begging to bring their bikes along on every hike that we have done.) And we decided that we could leave later in the afternoon and go the opposite direction of all of the traffic after I did all of my Christmas shopping; that morning! We left my house at about 1:00 pm and drove the 38 minuets (according to the map...